4 Early Signs of Bed Bugs 

Bedbugs are the stuff of nightmares. Not only do they thrive on human blood, but their bites are extremely painful. What's more, infestations can develop quickly and are next to impossible to eliminate without professional help.

If you're not familiar with their appearance, bed bugs are small, reddish-brown oval shaped insects. Active at night, they look for two things when establishing a residence. First is a steady food source (that means people.) Next is a dark, secluded area in which to lay eggs and to hide between feedings. Bedrooms...and beds in particular...fill both criteria perfectly. During the day, bed bugs just love to snuggle between mattresses and foundations. After hours they emerge to feast on their sleeping prey a short distance above. 

Dealing with these menaces requires a lot of diligence; you can't afford to become complacent when bed bugs are involved. They can easily spread through your entire house. Beds are just one of many places they will nest. Upholstered chairs, sofas, cushions, curtains and other furnishings usually associated with living areas are also popular hideouts. They've been known to settle for hard surfaces like the underside of wooden tables, plastic chairs, etc. No place is truly safe. 

Most of us have heard about hotels that have been hit hard with infestations, but did you know that theaters, dorms, care facilities, and even hospitals have also been taken over? You might wonder how so many different places have been impacted. The reason is simple: bed bugs are great hitchhikers! They often climb into luggage, bags, and other containers in one location and hop off when they reach another. They'll even crawl onto folds in your clothes if you're not careful. That's why you should always inspect rooms closely when traveling, and pay particular attention to your luggage when packing and unpacking during trips.

Prevention is important, and early detection is critical preventing a full-blown infestation if a few manage to get inside your home or business. These four warning signs will help you detect their presence:

Warning Sign #1: Tiny Black Specks on Your Mattress (or other surface)

Tiny black specks on your mattress are an early indicator that bedbugs are living with you. Blood stains on your sheets or pillows is another. These usually occur when your body squashes bugs while asleep. Should you see either of these clues, check under your bedding, between mattresses and foundations, and other secluded areas for their presence. Call us for help if you find more evidence.

Warning Sign 2: Itchy Red Bites on Your Skin

Do you or family members regularly wake up with red itchy splotches on your skin (especially your face, back, or arms?) This is often another telltale sign that bed bugs have moved in. If you constantly experience the sensation of something crawling on you, or of painful red, itchy bites, chances are very good an infestation has begun. This is an excellent time to schedule an inspection and "head 'em off at the pass."

Warning Sign #3: Eggs, Shells, and Skins

During their lifecycle bed bugs will shed older coverings. Discarded shells and skins are a strong indicator that not only have bed bugs come into your home, but they've been living there a while. Seeking professional assistance before you see the fourth sign is a good idea.

Warning Sign #4: Actual Bed Bugs

Any time you see actual bed bugs it's time to sound the alarm! Perhaps you questioned if the first three conditions were caused by an infestation. In this situation you should have no doubt. Seeing bed bugs crawl and bite people is all the evidence you need. 

This can be a devastating discovery that evokes fear and panic. Don't be afraid of the situation...take immediate action instead! Residential or commercial, contact us at 405-679-8729 for a full inspection. We'll assess the scope of your problem and outline treatment to completely remove the threat.

Trudy Conners