As average temperatures rise, experts are warning of an increase in tick populations
and related diseases. You’ve probably heard that winters have become shorter and
milder than in previous decades. This allows pests of all kinds, including ticks, to remain
active into what have historically been months of hibernation. And fewer of them die
between peak growing seasons.
Unless current temperature trends reverse themselves, ticks could become a year-
round problem. This is not a far-fetched idea. Information published by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals the number of Lyme disease cases
reported during cool-weather months has steadily increased. Overall infection rates are
also on the rise.
The outlook for a quick positive change is not good. Weather data for Oklahoma shows
that compared to the five-year span from 2016 to 2020, November-January 2023
temperatures were an average 1 to 10 degrees greater. Higher temperatures mean
shorter hibernation, more reproduction…and more tick bites.
Researchers warn that warmer winter temperatures could facilitate extended
reproduction, increasing tick populations throughout the year. Medical personnel have
already noticed more tick samples are being found and tested during fall and winter
months and suggest this is one indicator of a growing problem.
Vigilance is your best bet for keeping these dangerous pests at bay. You must take
precautions and be particularly watchful in tick-prone areas to avoid trouble.
The CDC strongly recommends avoiding brushy wooded areas, tall grass, and leaf litter
anytime you’re outside. They also suggest that adults perform a full body check of
themselves, of children, and of pets after any outdoor excursion…particularly a trip into
an unimproved area.
With the increased likelihood you’ll encounter a tick and possibly contract a tick-borne
illness, you’ll want to take preventative measures by making sure they don’t come onto
your property.
Here at KC Pest Control, we understand just how big a problem ticks are. To that end,
we offer a variety of prevention services to help keep you and your property safe.
Don’t let the fear of ticks keep you from enjoying the great outdoors. Prepare now to
take charge of the situation and get a jump on tick control during the summer and into
the cooler months. Contact us today at (405) 679-8729 for a consultation. We’ll be glad
to help!