
How To Identify A Wasp Infestation

Appearance - Although there are many different types of wasps, they all share the common attributes of two sets of wings and a thin abdomen. Depending on the species of wasp, they can be black, yellow, blue or even green.
They range in size from tiny to several centimeters long. Wasps usually fall into one of two categories: social or solitary. Some species can be very aggressive and can sting multiple times when they feel threatened.
Behavior - Due to the fact that wasps tend to lay eggs in the winter, you may begin to see many wasps in the spring and summer. Wasps will congregate near homes or yards where their nest is. If you begin to see more than just one wasp, or spot a wasp nest, then you may have a wasp infestation.

Why You Might Have a Wasp Infestation

Wasps need a safe place to live and breed and having a home with an undisturbed awning, wood piles that are left stagnant or a piece of property not bothered, you may be attracting wasps to your residence and property.
Wasp infestations usually occur outdoors, and the pests only make their way indoors through openings within access points, so it is important to seal any openings. If a wasp nest is near a door or window, they can easily make their way inside and build more nests.
Wasp stings pose many dangers, and allergic reactions are relatively common; additionally, wasps are known to cause damage to woodwork, wallboard or ceiling. This is why removal by a trained specialist is so key.

Reasons To Treat Your Wasp Problem Immediately

Wasp infestations in Cleveland & Oklahoma County can be dangerous, because, unlike bees, wasps are aggressive will sting multiple times. Wasp stings will cause mild pain and discomfort. If an allergic reaction occurs, make sure to seek advanced medical attention immediately.
Because wasps are aggressive, do not go near a wasp nest. Having young children or pets poses an even bigger threat as they may provoke the wasp nest unknowingly which can be deadly.
Wasp removal should only be handled by a trained, professional wasp removal professional.

Call us today for wasp removal, so you and your family can rest assured your home will be safe.

Let us get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Call now to schedule your appointment with KC Pest Control 405-679-8729