
How To Identify A Fly Infestation

Appearance - Flies come in a variety of shapes and sizes. All flies undergo complete metamorphosis with egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in their development . The female fly deposits her eggs in animal feces, carrion or moist organic material. Larvae, or "maggots," complete their development, feeding on bacteria associated with their developmental site. The maggots will pass through three larval stages increasing in size with each stage. When maggots complete their development, they are ready to undergo the next step in their metamorphosis, the pupa. They convert their last larval skin into a puparium. Within the puparium, the pupa transforms into an adult fly. Body fluids pump into the fly’s wing veins and cause wings to unfold and expand. This allows the wings to dry and harden so that the adult can fly. The rate of fly development is dependent upon temperature. Under optimal summertime conditions, flies may develop from egg to adult in as little as 7 days. Once the female fly has mated, she can lay several batches of eggs, typically containing over 100 eggs each.

Behavior - While humans commonly the adult fly to be the most bothersome life stage, the larval stage is the best target for management efforts.

Common Flies we treat for in Oklahoma are: House Fly, Tsetse Fly, Fruit Fly , Horse Fly , and Botfly.

Why You Might Have Flies

Flies breed in animal wastes and decaying organic material, including animal carrion and food waste. Piles of leaves around your home or drains that are not regularly used, such as a spare bathroom tub drain, may be the source of your infestation.

Reasons To Treat Your Fly Problem Immediately

Flies can pick up bacteria and viruses that may cause human disease. Finding the source of their eggs is the key to ridding you of the problem.

Call us today for Cleveland & Oklahoma County Fly control, so you and your family can rest assured your home will be safe.

Let us get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Call now to schedule your appointment with KC Pest Control 405-679-8729