Dealing with Carpet Beetles

This month we’re looking at a pest we’ve never covered in our blog: carpet beetles. Perhaps you’ve heard of them. If not, that’s not surprising. These small insects are overlooked in favor of more famous pests like cockroaches and bed bugs. While they usually “fly under the radar both literally and figuratively, they are a […]

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Do You Have House Crickets?

Do you remember the story of Pinocchio, a puppet who wanted to be a boy, and Jiminy Cricket, hisfriendly companion who sat by the fire keeping toasty warm? They made a great pair, but things Jiminysaid were sometimes an annoyance to Pinocchio. Maybe you’re not familiar with these characters. If not, you’ve surely heard the […]

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Common Pests Found in Your Garage (and How to Keep Them Out)

Your garage is a valuable part of your house. If you’re like most people, it contains your car,tools, sports gear, and much more. But it can also be a prime location for pests looking forshelter. Compared to more secure parts of your house, your garage is left open for longer periods. Thismakes it an easy […]

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How Artificial Intelligence is Driving the Pest Control Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming many industries, and pest control is no exception. By using AI, experts are finding new, smarter ways to manage pests of all kinds while protecting the environment and saving money. Let’s take a closer look at how this new technology is shaping the future of pest control and why many […]

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How Did Rats Shape American History?

For the most part we humans are a curious lot. We’re always looking under rocks, climbing mountains, and experimenting with new ideas to see what’s there or what will happen. It’s no wonder so many people say travel is one of their favorite pastimes. The yearning to visit different locations burns brightly in many souls. […]

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