Ants: Chaos to Order

Did you know that right now, America’s number one nuisance is busy invading homes across the country? Of course, I’m talking about ants! They are wily, persistent, and numerous. If left unchecked, they can cause a lot of problems! That’s why it’s no surprise consumers are concerned more about ants than any other pest. This time […]

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Earwigs – Attack of the Ear Creatures

Despite their intimidating appearance, earwigs are harmless and among the easiest pests to control! If they had a better name and could lose those scary-looking pincers, they would surely have a better reputation. Earwigs range from 1/4 to 1 inch in length. They are glossy dark reddish-brown with lighter colored legs, segmented antennae and somewhat […]

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Cockroaches…are creepy!

From their creepy appearance to the odd survival tactics they exhibit, cockroaches pose an ick-factor, but they can also pose health risks to humans if they find a way inside your home or business. How many cockroaches to you need to see before taking action? One? Two? More? From their creepy appearance to their weird […]

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Spiders Invading Your Home

They’re everywhere…literally. You know them. Creepy lightning-fast eight-legged horrors known for their ability to run, jump, and scare humans. The “scare” part is particularly true when we find them inside our homes. It doesn’t matter if they’re venomous or not, dangerous or benign, most people don’t want spiders in their house. Spiders live in every […]

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