Bed Bugs Exterminator in Oklahoma Metro Area and Norman

 KC Pest Control can help solve your Bed Bug problem. Bedbug

Bed Bugs invading your good night’s sleep. Are you finding unknown bites? It is winter time. You probably have an insect problem, called Bed Bugs. Pull off your sheets and look at the edges of your mattress. They have to live close to a food source, meaning humans.  Signs of bed bugs are blood spots on your sheets or mattress. If you see these signs, you need a bed bug exterminator. Call KC Pest Control right away for a professional inspection. We will inspect at no charge. To make an appointment for your free inspection call 405-679-8729.

Charges for Bed Bugs are based on the number of bedrooms and size of your home. We offer a entire home treatment as tend to move from room to room if you do not get a whole home treatment.

Treating yourself can be more costly in the long run as you will struggle to rid yourself of the problem. Pest Control companies are not only trained to use pesticides safely, they are also regulated by state and national laws which help protect non target animals from exposure to the insecticides.

We want to help rid you of your problem. There’s nothing worse than sharing your problem with friend and family. Don’t let these pests be the gift they take home from their holiday visit. Bed bug treatment is easy and safe for your family, children, and pets.

Call 405-679-8729 an get back to sleeping peacefully!

Trudy Conners