Bed bugs from Buses to Backpacks

When you think about bed bugs, you think about beds…right! Did you know buses are a problem area, too? Think about it: people carry all sorts of things from home when they travel: backpacks, clothes, computers, sports equipment and other items. Bed bugs just love hitching a ride on all these things!

A lot of people equate bedbugs with poor maintenance. That’s not true! Some of the best-kept homes, hotels…even buses…in the country have had to deal with these parasites.

Bed bugs are sneaky. They’ll hide out almost everywhere. They’ve been found on benches, in lockers, inside upholstered furniture, and crawling on cots in a school nurse’s office. I once saw a reality TV show where they were crawling around the lobby of a resort. 

Since bed bug infestations in public areas are unpredictable, prevention is more difficult than in private spaces like your house. Consider buses, for instance. Bed bugs hide in the cracks of the seats and come out to feed on kids as they ride to school. 

Bed bugs are fast eaters…in only 10 minutes they’re done. In crowded spaces…like buses…they can easily crawl from one person to another…or into backpacks. Once they’ve stowed away in a backpack, it’s simple for them to invade your house! 

They’re also prolific! One bed bug can start a chain reaction, and in less than a month you can have a hundred crawling around your well-kept house!

What you can do?

– Pay attention to your surroundings and to notify others if you find bed bugs in a public place, on a bus, or in your kids’ belongings when they come home from school. 

– Do not allow your child to take their backpack into their bedroom. Remove the items they need and put them on a clean, solid surface (like a dining room table) where they can be used. 

– Between use, store the backpacks in the garage or on an enclosed porch.

– If you must store backpacks inside the house, put them in a large sealed container.

– Wash backpacks regularly.

– Have children change clothing and shower when they get home. Place clothes in the washing. 

– Pay close attention to library books, especially the binding. Bed bugs have actually been found inside them!

 – If you see bed bugs in backpacks, on buses, in a book, or at school, tell a school official immediately. Ask about their protocol for handling a bed bug infestation, and insist they take quick action. Above all, don’t be embarrassed. Remember, bed bugs do not discriminate. Their presence does not indicate poor hygiene habits.

Even though bed bugs are a true nightmare, the good news is they do not spread disease. 

If you find bed bugs in your home, do not attempt to treat the problem yourself. Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to remove, even for trained professionals. At KC Pest Control, we have a lot of experience in successfully eliminating bed bugs, and will get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Trudy Conners