Why DIY Ant Control Doesn’t Work

Ants are one of the most common pests found inside homes and businesses. They are really good atmoving around without being seen, and when they are eventually spotted, their small size makes themlook like easy targets. It’s no wonder many folks first try one or more of the popular do-it-yourself (DIY)methods to get rid of […]

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A Guide to Household Ants:

While most of us think of them only as a nuisance, ants really do fill important roles in the environment. Many species dig tunnels that loosen and aerate soil, opening paths for water to reach plant roots. In their search for nectar, they can dislodge insects that damage leaves. As predators, ants will attack slugs […]

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Insects Through the Year 

If you’re like most people, you probably think of pests as bugs that invade your property in the summer. The category is much broader than that, including insects, arachnids, amphibians, reptiles, and even mammals of various types. Plus, they’re active all year long. In fact, they can be a bigger problem and cause more damage […]

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Ants Can Be Annoying

You may have heard an old saying that goes something like this: “what’s a picnic without ants?” Noone really wants these pesky insects to eat lunch with them, but they always seem to come anyway.Ants are great party crashers that always seem to bring a lot of their friends when they come.That’s because ants are […]

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Termites vs. Carpenter Ants

Termites vs carpenter ants…what’s the difference? A lot of people know that both can cause great damage to the wood in buildings, but don’t know they attack for different reasons. There’s also a lot of confusion about their appearance.  Given that both will be swarming soon, now is a good time to get a good […]

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