Bed bugs in the Fall

Fall usually finds a lot of people changing residences as school starts. Because of all this movement, autumn is prime time for bed bugs to spread. It’s pretty easy for these invaders to hitch a ride from one place to another in personal items…and you don’t even know they’ve come along for the ride! Finding […]

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Bed bugs from Buses to Backpacks

When you think about bed bugs, you think about beds…right! Did you know buses are a problem area, too? Think about it: people carry all sorts of things from home when they travel: backpacks, clothes, computers, sports equipment and other items. Bed bugs just love hitching a ride on all these things! A lot of […]

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Bed bugs the Unexpected Holiday Gift

Five tips for Bed Bugs 1. Don’t panic! Make sure they’re really have bed bugs… not fleas, ticks or other insects. It’s important identify the source before a simple “problem” becomes an “infestation.” Ask a professional pest control company to investigate problem areas. Their training allows them to quickly assess the situation. Eliminating bed bugs […]

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DIY Pest Control Hazards!

Have you ever tried to fix something on your own, but failed because you did not have the right tools or enough experience? It happens to almost everyone! Most of the time the only thing hurt is your pride, but some things can be hazardous if done incorrectly. Pest control is a good example. If […]

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Going the Extra Mile!

Do you have Bed Bugs and feel like you don’t know where to turn? Don’t know what bed bug treatment will cost? KC Pest Control will give you a bed bug quote over the phone after asking you a few simple questions.  No strings attached. Kevin Conners with KC Pest Control is the man that […]

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