Bed bugs in the Fall

Fall usually finds a lot of people changing residences as school starts. Because of all this movement, autumn is prime time for bed bugs to spread. It’s pretty easy for these invaders to hitch a ride from one place to another in personal items…and you don’t even know they’ve come along for the ride! Finding […]

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Preventing Ladybugs from Wintering in your Home

Frost is in the air and leaves are changing…it’s the time of year for pests to look for a winter home. You’re familiar with many of them…spiders, mice, and others. But one unwanted guest might surprise you: the multicolored Asian Lady Beetle…harmonia axyridis. You probably know them better as ladybugs! Cooler temperatures and frost are […]

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Is Chirping Keeping You Awake at Night?

You’ve turned off the lights, locked the doors, and settled in for a good night’s sleep. Then “it” begins. An incessant high-pitched chirping noise somewhere inside your house. That’s a sure sign crickets have invaded your domain! A male house cricket can “sing” for hours at a time. It’s his version of a love song. […]

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Fleas and Your Furry Friends

“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” That’s a really old saying, but is as true as ever, especially when fleas are involved. If you ever find these parasites in your home or business, you’ll agree that prevention is definitely a better choice! If you doubt, take a look at the […]

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Keeping Unwanted Ants Out!

Ants can really be a pain! They are the ultimate unwanted houseguests. Once they enter your home they will not go away willingly. In fact, they’ll invite their family to join them. They do this by leaving a phenome trail that can be followed by the entire colony of workers. When one finds a way […]

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