Flea Treatment - Order Cyclophyllidea - KC Pest Control Fleas

Fleas Preparation Checklist

Flea treatment can be difficult without teamwork. We have prepared this checklist of things the customer needs to do to help the process be successful. We have found that when the customer follows these guidelines the treatments are more effective and control is achieved more quickly. Pre treatment: Vacuum your carpet and furniture, between custions, […]

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Ant - Family Formicidae - KC Pest Control

Ant Invasion

To get your ant problem under control, inspection is an important first step. Professional pest control companies like KC Pest Control offer a free inspection and estimate. To find ant nests, follow their trails. Ants lay down a chemical pheromone trail along their established routes to and from a food source so other Ants can […]

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Tick - Order Dermacentor - KC Pest Control

Tick Season is here!

Experts predict a tick(ing) time bomb is set to explode this season in yards across the country. We are heading into what is expected to be an extremely heavy tick season. With ticks, come the dangers of tick-borne disease. Protect you family by signing up for yard service to protect you throughout the summer season. […]

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Bed bug

Bed Bug Treatment

KC Pest Control     http://kcpest.com If you think that you might have Bed Bugs are blog page will give you information to make an informed decision. Bed Bug Facts Reddish Brown, 1/8-1/4 inches long oval shape and flat requires blood meal to survive (typically every five days) bites humans at night when they are asleep […]

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