Fleas and Your Furry Friends

“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” That’s a really old saying, but is as true as ever, especially when fleas are involved. If you ever find these parasites in your home or business, you’ll agree that prevention is definitely a better choice! If you doubt, take a look at the […]

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DIY Pest Control Hazards!

Have you ever tried to fix something on your own, but failed because you did not have the right tools or enough experience? It happens to almost everyone! Most of the time the only thing hurt is your pride, but some things can be hazardous if done incorrectly. Pest control is a good example. If […]

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Flea Treatment - Order Cyclophyllidea - KC Pest Control Fleas

Fleas invading your home

Flea Control Fleas are parasites that feed on humans and other warm blooded animals. When you have a flea problem you and your pets serve as the host. Most of the time, fleas prefer nonhuman source for feeding, but if infestations are heavy, or when other hosts are not available, fleas will feed on humans. […]

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Flea Treatment - Order Cyclophyllidea - KC Pest Control Fleas

Fleas Preparation Checklist

Flea treatment can be difficult without teamwork. We have prepared this checklist of things the customer needs to do to help the process be successful. We have found that when the customer follows these guidelines the treatments are more effective and control is achieved more quickly. Pre treatment: Vacuum your carpet and furniture, between custions, […]

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