How to Handle Hornets (and Wasps!)

Hornets are dangerous flying insects that can cause series harm to property and people. They are know to attack in large numbers and can deliver painful stings. Unlike bees, they can sting a victim multiple times. Their venom is not more dangerous than that of wasps, except it contains histamines, a primary cause of allergic […]

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What’s all the buzz about?

According to a government study, fall is the most popular season of the year. It’s a time when natureseems to catch its breath after pushing hard to grow during the long, hot days of summer. Early fall inparticular is a time that people go outside to enjoy working and playing in more moderate temperatures.With summer’s […]

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Yellow Jackets: Beneficial But Dangerous

Yellowjackets are some of the most troublesome insects in existence. Sometimes called hornets, these short black-and-yellow (or sometimes white), pack a fiery sting that seems way out of proportion to their size. Females usually over-winter in protected outdoor locations; that means they’re looking for cold-weather shelter right now. They begin new colonies every spring. Colonies […]

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