DIY Pest Control Hazards!

Have you ever tried to fix something on your own, but failed because you did not have the right tools or enough experience? It happens to almost everyone!

Most of the time the only thing hurt is your pride, but some things can be hazardous if done incorrectly. Pest control is a good example. If you don’t have the right tools or experience, doing your own pest control can be disastrous…for you and your family. 

Effective pest control relies on lot of factors. You have to know what kind of pests you are dealing with, and what type of control works best for each. Then you have to know how to mix materials correctly and apply them properly. It really is a big deal!

If you misidentify a pest, you could choose the wrong treatment. Even if you select the correct treatment, chemicals are easy to mix incorrectly or misapply. Certain chemicals react violently with each other. Combining them can create a noxious jumble with harmful results.

As certified professionals we know what works here. Plus, we have access to licensed products you as a consumer cannot buy. These EPA-approved products are not available on the open market. They have been tested extensively for safety when applied by highly-trained professionals.

With over 30 years of professional pest control experience, we are well-equipped to find the source of your problem and get rid of it. Relax knowing we will apply the correct treatment, and it will pose no danger to you or your family. If pests return – we will come back for free.

So, why take the risk? Keep yourself and your family safe, avoid the hassle, and sleep well at night! We’re here to help! If you have a pest control problems in Norman, OK, give KC Pest Control a call or request an estimate today, 405-679-8729.


Trudy Conners