Flea Prevention

Summer is here, and you’re probably spending more time outside. Your pets are probably outside more, too! Outdoor time has a lot of benefits. But exposure to disease-carrying insects like fleas is not one of them…especially for your furry friends!

Fleas are not just painful nuisances…they are parasites that can carry a host of infectious diseases. Tapeworm, Pulicosis, and cat scratch fever are just a few examples. They reproduce very quickly and spread like wildfire. One bite from an infected flea can cause your pet to become sick. 

You may think your pet is safe because they stay inside…or they stay on paved areas and never go into the grass. Unfortunately, that’s not true! Fleas are very tiny and can sneak into your home through small cracks. They can easily jump onto anyone coming inside your house. The risk is even higher if your visitor brings a pet with them.

The good news is that taking a few simple precautions will significantly reduce the chance of exposure and illness: 

– Be aware of excessive scratching and licking.

– Frequently check your pets for fleas.

– Avoid walking your dogs in tall grass, where fleas often live.

– Bathe your pets after walks and playtime with other animals.

– Regularly wash pet bedding, collars and plush toys.

– Vacuum your carpets, floors and furniture often.

When it comes to pet care, most of us have a tendency to focus on things like nutrition, exercise, and affection. But it’s equally important to protect against threats from parasites.

If you continually find fleas on your pets, your property may be infested. Don’t take this lightly as they won’t go away without intervention. Give us a call! We offer seasonal services for your home and yard to keep your pets free of fleas during these “outdoor months.”

Trudy Conners