Fleas and Your Furry Friends

“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” That’s a really old saying, but is as true as ever, especially when fleas are involved. If you ever find these parasites in your home or business, you’ll agree that prevention is definitely a better choice!

If you doubt, take a look at the math. One female flea can lay 50 eggs every day! Fleas can live a few weeks…or several months! A flea that lives just 30 days can lay 1,500 eggs! At that rate they can take over a building very quickly.

Does the mere thought of fleas make you feel itchy? The time to take action is before they become a problem!

We encourage everyone to be proactive when controlling pests…especially if fleas are involved. If you haven’t started already, we recommend that you implement a flea prevention program for your pets. Your furry friends will enjoy better health. So will your sanity!

Fleas are a diverse lot. There are more than 2,200 different varieties. But it takes only one flea of one species to spread misery through your home.

How do fleas invade your home? Like many other pests, they hitchhike. Wildlife (like squirrels, opossums, etc.) can deposit eggs anywhere…including manicured yards, parks, or beaches. When your pets go out, fleas hop on!

Fleas aren’t just nuisances…they’re dangerous. They carry diseases that can harm your pets…and YOU! In the Middle Ages, fleas were responsible for spreading plague across Europe. While we don’t see massive outbreaks like that now, the U.S. Center for Disease Control does report about ten cases of bubonic plague every year. About 100 cases of typhus are also reported.

Fast action is the best way to combat this menace!

On Your Pet

  • Use flea prevention all year long! This will discourage fleas from attaching to your pet’s coat while they’re outside.
  • If fleas do make their way into your house, bathe your pet thoroughly with flea shampoo.

In Your Home

  • Wash everything. Seriously. Fleas aren’t picky. They’ll make a home anywhere. They love your pet’s bedding, your bedding, sofa covers, rugs, and more. At the first sign of fleas, wash your pet’s blankets, your sheets and covers, sofa covers, and rugs in soapy hot water.
  • Vacuum everywhere. Remember to sweep your baseboards. Fleas like to hide in and lay eggs in this area. Seal the used vacuum bag and put it in the outside garbage immediately!
  • Wipe walls, countertops and other surfaces.
  • Steam-clean carpets to knock down the adult population. Cleaning will also kill immature fleas and remove food larvae need to survive.
  • Apply an indoor insect growth regulator

Outside Your Home

  • Every month, spray patios, porches, decks, crawl spaces, kennels, etc.
  • Take measures to keep wild and feral animals off your property, and…
  • Implement changes to avoid luring them to your place. This could include sealing outdoor waste disposal, clearing brush and debris, etc.
  • Because mice are a primary carrier, it’s important to eliminate rodent infestations…including disposing of their dead carcasses.

Flea control is one of our areas of expertise. We’d be happy to be part of your proactive approach to flea prevention. Call us today at 405-679-8729 to get started!


Trudy Conners