Is Chirping Keeping You Awake at Night?

You’ve turned off the lights, locked the doors, and settled in for a good night’s sleep. Then “it” begins. An incessant high-pitched chirping noise somewhere inside your house. That’s a sure sign crickets have invaded your domain!

A male house cricket can “sing” for hours at a time. It’s his version of a love song. He rubs his wings together to attract a mate. You may hear his chirping in any room, behind any piece of furniture, and sometimes inside the walls!

Lady crickets may go for it, but their song means trouble for you. Crickets are breeding right inside your home. If not removed, lots of little crickets will soon join the adults.

Many people think crickets are harmless. That’s understandable. For years, popular media as shown them as cute, fun, safe insects. (When’s the last time a cricket was the “bad guy” in an animated feature?!) 

The truth is, crickets have a massive appetite and can cause a lot of damage as they try to satisfy it. They’ll chew through packaging, clothes, carpets, fabric, rubber, paper, and much more to get what they want.

Crickets can enter a building during any season, but they’re really active in summer and fall. As temperatures drop in October they start looking for a winter residence. Your house or business is one of their prime targets!

What To Do…

Knowing their eating habits can help you deal effectively with these pests. When outdoors, crickets feed on plants, rotting plants, leaves, fruit, etc. When inside, they will eat just about any type of human food they find.

Prevention Steps

  • Clear leaves, grass clippings, and decaying matter from your yard.
  • Declutter your home…crickets love to hide in messy areas.
  • Clean frequently.
  • Store food in airtight containers.
  • Seal doors or windows to prevent their entry.
  • Contact KC Pest Control to assess your situation.

Prevention is important, but once crickets have invaded your space, pest control professionals are your most efficient response. Compared to do-it-yourself control methods, professionals save time, energy, and money. 

We recommend one of our year-round residential pest control plans to keep crickets and other pests out of your home in every season. These plans mean you don’t have to worry about when, where, or how to control potentially dangerous insects and other pests. No more worrying about sleepless nights, pest-related property damage, or threats to your health. 

Contact us today to learn how a year-round pest control program could help you “sleep easy at night!”

Trudy Conners