
How To Identify A Cricket Infestation

Appearance - Crickets vary in length from 0.12 to 2 inches. They have thin antennae and hind legs modified for jumping. Plus, three-jointed foot segments, and two slender abdominal sensory appendages. The two forewings are stiff and leathery, and the two long, membranous hind wings are used in flying.

Behavior - Male crickets produce musical chirping sounds by rubbing a scraper located on one forewing along a row of about 50 to 250 teeth on the opposite forewing. The frequency of the chirps depends on the number of teeth struck per second and varies from 1,500 cycles per second in the largest cricket species to nearly 10,000 cycles per second in the smallest. The most common cricket songs are the calling song, which attracts the female; the courtship, or mating, song, which induces the female to copulate; and the fighting chirp, which repels other males. Both sexes have highly sensitive organs on the forelegs for sound reception. There is a direct relationship between the rate of cricket chirps and temperature, with the rate increasing with increasing temperature.

Why You Might Have Crickets

You have other pest that are infesting your home that Crickets are using as their food source. Crickets feed on on plants and dead or live insects, including other Crickets.

Reasons To Treat Your Cricket Problem Immediately

They are invading your home and keeping you awake at night.

Call us today for cricket control, so you and your family can rest assured your home will be safe.

Let us get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Call now to schedule your appointment with KC Pest Control 405-679-8729