
How To Identify A Mouse Infestation

Appearance - Mice are rodents, usually between 10 and 20 centimeters long. They are fur covered and may be grayish or brown depending on the type. They do have hair on their tails, although it is shorter and finer than that on their bodies.
Behavior - Some of the first signs of a mouse infestation could be mouse droppings or a urine smell. Mouse droppings are about the size of a grain of rice and black in color. They will enter homes in the colder months seeking shelter and food. Pantry items eaten in cabinets, chewed paper, and other damaged paper products could be a sign of a mouse problem. Mice will have babies two to four times a year.

Why You Might Have Mice

Depending on the season, they may enter your home to keep warm, seek shelter or start a family. Homes and their foundations offer many things mice need such as food and nesting materials. If you have holes in your walls or foundation, these may be convenient entrances for a mouse to seek shelter and reproduce.

Reasons To Treat Your Mouse Problem Immediately

First and foremost, mice can reproduce quickly. Just having two living within the walls of your home can spawn 40 offspring in a year. Now multiply that by each new offspring, and you will have a massive headache.
Mouse droppings can carry dangerous bacteria and viruses. Exposure to mouse droppings can lead to salmonella. Ticks carried by mice can lead to Lymes disease, and fleas from mice can cause allergic reactions and rashes.
Property damage can also become an issue. They chew up your furniture, clothes and even the wiring in your home.
You may think a quick fix is putting poison down, but that is not a permanent fix. It can be risky as well, especially if you have children or pets. Calling a perform professional mouse exterminator can ensure the mouse problem will not present itself at your home again.

Call for Mice Control

Call us today for mouse prevention and extermination, so you can rest assured your home will be safe.

Let us get you back to sleeping peacefully!

Call now to schedule your appointment with KC Pest Control 405-679-8729