A Guide to Household Ants:

While most of us think of them only as a nuisance, ants really do fill important roles in the environment. Many species dig tunnels that loosen and aerate soil, opening paths for water to reach plant roots. In their search for nectar, they can dislodge insects that damage leaves. As predators, ants will attack slugs […]

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Ants: Chaos to Order

Did you know that right now, America’s number one nuisance is busy invading homes across the country? Of course, I’m talking about ants! They are wily, persistent, and numerous. If left unchecked, they can cause a lot of problems! That’s why it’s no surprise consumers are concerned more about ants than any other pest. This time […]

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Keeping Unwanted Ants Out!

Ants can really be a pain! They are the ultimate unwanted houseguests. Once they enter your home they will not go away willingly. In fact, they’ll invite their family to join them. They do this by leaving a phenome trail that can be followed by the entire colony of workers. When one finds a way […]

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DIY Pest Control Hazards!

Have you ever tried to fix something on your own, but failed because you did not have the right tools or enough experience? It happens to almost everyone! Most of the time the only thing hurt is your pride, but some things can be hazardous if done incorrectly. Pest control is a good example. If […]

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Ant - Family Formicidae - KC Pest Control

Ant Invasion

To get your ant problem under control, inspection is an important first step. Professional pest control companies like KC Pest Control offer a free inspection and estimate. To find ant nests, follow their trails. Ants lay down a chemical pheromone trail along their established routes to and from a food source so other Ants can […]

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