Mouse hiding

House Call with Trudy Conners – Stop Chewing on My New Car!

Mice are active all year long and so are we. Take care of your rodent population before they take care of you. If you think pests have gotten inside despite your best efforts, give KC Pest Control a call at 405-679-8729 to schedule a free inspection. We can help solve your pest problem!

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Are you under attack?

Are you under attack from insects?  Although not always seen or heard, insects and rodents are not only a nuisance; they are capable of causing extensive damage if left unaddressed.  To protect your home or business, KC Pest Control provides a Premium Care Service.  Designed to combat existing pest problems and prevent future ones from […]

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Mouse hiding

Fall Weather Pest Invasion

As temperatures fall many pests look for a warm place to spend the winter. To a cold mouse, rat, or cockroach, your house is a very inviting place! Chances are good at least one of these is lurking nearby, looking for a way to get in.  Fall pests pose quite a few serious health risks. […]

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Spiders - Order Aranceae - KC Pest Control

How do Insects Survive Cold Weather?

The onset of colder weather always brings up the question of how the cold will affect insect populations in the upcoming growing season. Though the answer to this question seems simple, it is actually very complex. Let me dispel a myth. A cold winter will mean less insects next year. Let me share a great […]

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Spiders are lurking in your home

It’s kind of funny that my husband, the pest control expert, is afraid of spiders. But that’s what led him to his profession! When people hear about his fear they sometimes ask how he continues to do his job. Kevin’s answer: “Spiders are not a problem because I kill them!” Many people are afraid of […]

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